Friday 15 November 2013

Blog Coursework- My Innovative Idea

The iPhone
The iPhone is a smartphone produced by Apple. The first iPhone was released in June, 2007 and an updated version had been released approximately every year since then. Whilst the iPhone was originally only available for AT&T customers (American telephone and telegraph), the iPhone 4 was released on the Verizon network (largest mobile network operator in the US) in February, 2010. The iPhone has a sleek, simple design which differs from other smartphones in its lack of buttons. Internally, the iPhone runs the iOS, an operating system developed by Apple for handy devices. This allows the iPhone to run “apps,” or applications established specifically for the iPhone. Apps can be downloaded from Apple’s App store, which can be opened through ITunes (iTunes is a media player and media library application developed by Apple Inc.) or directly from the iPhones built-in App Store app. There are hundreds of thousands of apps available from the App Store, which provide the iPhone with inexhaustible functionality. (

Who & What?
There are many types of customers that hotels want to attract, and many that they don’t. However, unfortunately there are some places where some people cannot even imagine going and the obstacle not necessarily only being the price. By some people, I mean those who have physical disabilities, those who by no fault of their own are not able to do things in the same manner that we can; things like hoping out of bed to hit the light switch or getting up to close the curtains or even being able open the heavy bedroom doors or if they wanted to enjoy a sunny beach holiday in the middle of the Indian Ocean, there is no way that the hotel would even think to cater for such people.
What if someone used the technology that we already have to give them an experience they have never had the chance to enjoy or to improve one that they have already had? The majority of us have smartphones, or laptops or tablets and we use these gadgets every day because of their brilliance; they are quick and efficient; they offer us everything with just a click or tap of a finger or by the simple use of one’s own voice, what more could anyone ask for?
We all love to talk and even if we don’t, it’s nice to know that we have someone to talk to.
Siri is a voice-activated app that works with the iPhone 4S and iOS 5 to allow users to take action on their iPhone by simply speaking. He or she can understand not just plain commands, but also the colloquialisms that are common to human speech. Siri can both speak back to the user and take transcription => transliterating voice to text. (

“Siri lets you use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings, make phone calls and more. Ask Siri to do things just by talking the way you talk. Siri understands what you say, knows what you mean and even talks back. Siri is so easy to use and does so much, you’ll keep finding more and more ways to use it.” (

“Talk to Siri as you would to a person. Say something like “Tell my wife I’m running late” or “Remind me to call the vet.” Siri not only understands what you say, it’s smart enough to know what you mean. So when you ask “Any good sushi round here?” Siri will reply “I found a number of sushi restaurants near you.” Then you can say “Hmm. What about pizza?” Siri remembers that you just asked about restaurants, so it will look for Italian restaurants in the area. And Siri is proactive, so it will question you until it finds what you’re looking for.” (


“Siri makes everyday tasks less tasking. It figures out which apps to use for which requests, and it finds answers to queries through sources like Yelp and WolframAlpha. It plays the songs you want to hear, gives you directions, wakes you up, and even tells you the score of last night’s match.
All you have to do is ask.” (

“Siri is available on iPhone 4s or later, iPad with Retina display, iPad mini and iPod touch (5th generation), and requires Internet access. Siri may not be available in all languages or in all areas.”(

We are all different, but a lot of the time our wants, interests and needs are very similar. We all like to eat, Siri will find you a restaurant. The majority of us like sports and want to know what is going on with our favourite football or rugby team, Siri will find out that information for you. Very few of us have not got Facebook or Twitter, and when you want to let people know what you’re up to, Siri will organise it for you, all you need to do is ask.
My idea is to allow people to have the best hotel experience and by simply using their voice. To give them the privacy they want without having to ask for help. Nobody likes to be watched or supervised. We all need our own space. Isn’t that why we go on holiday in the first place? To get some time off? People with physical disabilities, most of the time have got to rely on other peoples help just to get them through the day and no one truly wants that. Everyone wants to be at least a little bit independent. The idea of introducing Siri is so that they can do things on their own, without needing to ask for help, without someone having to open the door for them or getting up to switch off the light. My idea is to help people enjoy the privacy or their own room like anyone else, wouldn’t anyone want that? To enjoy their hotel experience because of the independence it has to offer.

TECHNOLOGY IS FOR EVERYONE - 7 tech breakthroughs that empower people with disabilities(
“Adaptive technology is a fairly new term, but the basic idea is not. Some adaptive devices are simple, like the cane, which has a history as old as mankind itself. Others seem to come more from the realm of science fiction.”
However ordinary or complex, all are evidence to human determination, creativity and ambition. These are seven high-tech assistive devices and how they're helping those with disabilities lead full and fulfilling lives.
1.       Dynavox Eymax System (“gives individuals with paralysis, cerebral palsy and stroke victims the ability to participate in spoken communication using only their eyes.”)
2.       The kapten PLUS personal navigation device (GPS system designed for the blind)
3.       The car for the blind (by Dennis Hong)
4.       Googles Driverless car (Not only could this car serve as a means of independent, safe transportation for the visually impaired, but also for any number of individuals with physical and mental handicaps that prevent them from operating a motor vehicle.”)
5.       The DEKA robotic arm (highly sophisticated, highly functional prosthetic arm for injured soldiers returning from the Middle East.”)
6.       Cochlear Implant (“more than just a hearing aid”)
7.       The iBot stair-climbing wheelchair (“a self-balancing, stair-climbing wheelchair for the physically disabled.”) (

These truly remarkable 7 inventions prove that we, as a society, are moving on. We are getting ready to overcome the worst and prepare for what is the best by bringing out the good in and for each other.

SIRI - Using technology like YELP
Yelp, Inc. is a multinational company that operates an online review site and local business search service. Headquartered in San Francisco, Yelp was founded by Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons in 2004. ( YELP recently updated its iOS app which now includes a new photo viewer, improvements to review highlights, increased visibility of bookmarked business, and about 15 new search filters that should improve the users experience when they are searching for specific types of businesses. Before this recent update, YELP had seven filters, including things like, delivery, price and offering a deal and distance.

 The update added these 15 new features:
         Takes Reservations
         Accepts Credit Cards
         Outdoor Seating
         Good for Kids
         Good for Groups
         Take Out
         Wheelchair Accessible
         Accepts Insurance
         Has TV
         Dogs Allowed
         Free Wi-Fi
         Paid Wi-Fi
         Full Bar
         Beer and Wine Only
         Happy Hour

 Certain filters only come up when one is searching for a certain type of business. This means that one won’t see  “Beer and Wine only,” when one is searching for a dry cleaners. Most of the filters point more toward  restaurants and related businesses. (

 SIRI - Using technology like WOLFRAMALPHA

 WolframAlpha LLC:
·         Company sector: software application
·         Company type: private
·         Headquarters: Champaign, Illinois, United States
·         Website:

What is WolframAlpha? A computational knowledge engine.
What does it do? Computation for the world.
What is computation? The procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods.Problem solving that involves numbers or quantities.
How does WolframAlpha work? It is powered by Wolfram Mathematica.
Wolfram Mathematica: Mathematica is an all-in-one computation and visualisation system, development environment, and deployment engine. It is used across diverse technical fields, including engineering, science and financial analysis. (

Siri and WolframAlpha
Siri used natural language processing to answer questions and perform actions by delegating requests to an expanding set of web services, including WolframAlpha. (

Has technology changed lives?
Technology has changed the lives of millions of people. However as Elbert Hubbard (an American writer, artist, publisher and philosopher) once said, “One machine can do the work of fifteen ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.” ( There is only so much that technology can do to improve our lives, but without us helping ourselves in the first place our lives would not be so great anyway.

There are strong debates about whether recent innovations are truly substantial.
“Is technological discovery taking off or do recent innovations amount to more hype than substance? Some economists reckon these accomplishments are signs of accelerating technological progress. Yet others argue that these whizzy new gadgets are less impressive, and contribute less to growth, than the technological achievements of the Industrial Revolution era.” (

Has technology made us lazy?
An anecdote relating to technology from Anirban Dey, (MDSAP Labs India) One evening, my wife and I were both in the study catching up on some work. I wanted to ask her something and instead of talking, we chatted online. The weird part was that we did not find it unnatural then.” (

Siri is a technology designed to make people’s lives easier, more efficient and quicker, as though we are constantly driving in the fast lane of a motorway. But do we all truly need it? My idea is to give people who aren’t like everyone else the opportunity to experience life the way it should be experienced. To give people the opportunity not only to drive in that fast lane but to also drive down the wrong side road, or make U-turns without having to worry. I want to give people the chance to believe that they can do things almost exactly like everyone else, to experience the independence that we all sometimes truly crave for. I wish to make some people’s dreams a reality and somehow to me using ones voice makes sense. I believe that life is too short to live the same day twice, so speak up and give yourself the opportunity you deserve to be who you want to be, wherever it is you want to be.

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